>>scanning +hacking in 2 other's computer
I KNOW NOW ALL OF U HV TURNED IN 2 RED .,anyway let's start scanning
first of all download dis ...
it conatain
angry ip scanner,n map nd some more scanning tools.
it is d final stage of information gathering of an attacker.
in scanning a hacker/attacker looks for these stuffs.
specifc ip address
operating system
service running on d system.
u or any1 can skip footprinting bt not scanning.
in scanning we look 4 d open ports nd we look 4 d vulnerabilities existing in our target.
before of writing about scanning i would like 2 clear u d concept of ping.
knowing d actual meaning of ping is very much essential 4 doing scanning.
PING---->PING, i m nt telling u ping's actual definition ,i m just giving u d idea of ping
open run ,type cmd ,hit enter nd nw type ping nd hit enter.
nw u vl see der many things just read dhem,well nw moov 2 ping again.
suppose dt we r pinging 2 any website then it means we r sending some data 2 dt website.
suppose dt u want 2 check ,ur freind is online or nt?
then simpally ping his ip address.i mean suppose dt if his ip address is then
open command prompt[command prompat=run->cmd>enter]
nd type
if nw u vl see dt 4 data packets has been sent 2 ur freind ,nw u vl see der written loss.
actually if ur freind is online then he gets ur ping nd if he is nt then u vl see der 100% loss.
in short ping is sending data 2 a specific address nd it can be done 2 check wether dt person/website is conneted 2 internet or not.
hoping u ppl hv got d idea of ping .nw proceed 2 scanning.
nw it's d time 2 be active,quick,sharp nd hardworking.
i am again telling u d objectives of scanning.these r
to detect wether d system is connected 2 internet or nt?
to discover vch ports r active/running?
to discover d operating system running on d target system[known as fingerprinting]
to discover d ip address nd services running on d system.
let's start scanning now.
bcoz nw every1 of u know pinging some1 there4 1 step of scanning u can do urself nd dt is checking a system/person is connected 2 internet or nt?suppose dt u want2 ping google or orkut or ur freind then use dis blue syantax in d command prompt
ping ip adress
ping google.com
nw ,in modern era der r thousands of tools available 4 scanning,der r thousands of softwares bt we will be using only 2 tools,one is angry ip scanner nd d second 1 is n map.
these 2 tools r enough 4 ur purpose,wen we will learn sniffing we will use some wifi scanners nd lan scanners bt here in dis topic we will learn using they 2.
ANGRY IP SCANNER--->an ip scanner 4 windows,it can scan alive ips in a range ,a very beautiful nd good tool 4 scanning.actually dis software do nothing
but pings all d ip addresses nd gives u information.
all u hv 2 do is 2 specify a ip range vch u vant 2 scan for.
suppose dt up ip address is
then it is sure dt d connections vchr nearer 2 ur home ,they r having d ip address assigned vd to[plz look d last digits of ip address]
nw 4 knowing vch 1 of these ip address r live nd working,all u hv 2 do is 2 just scan d range,
dis software can scan any range.
using ip scanner is very easy.
simpally give d range u want 2 search 4 nd search
d addresses where u can see d green light.right click der nd watch details.after of right click u can see many more things ...have a look at all of dem.
hping2,firewalk opuput
these r also some tools 4 scanning purpose bt 4get them
der r many other tools also like superscan,ipscanner,megaping,floppyscan.
well,floppyscan is d best scanning tool but it is 4 linux.it finds open ports .
freinds nw d other purpose of scanning is also 2 get vch operating system has been loaded on ur target machine,see,each operating system has its own unique vulnerabilities der4 knowing dt vch ohperating system is ur victime is using,is very necessary.
getting this information is called fingerprinting,
based operating systems u can do fingerprinting
by using N-MAP
N MAP-->it is 4 finding open ports in a system or in ur victim's computer.
it does many type of scanning nd undoughtly it is d most beautiful tool 4 scanning.
nw u ppl hv learnt using angry ip scanner.wen u vl use it u vl see red coloured nd green coloured blinking lights.green clr is alive ip ,alive ip means they ip addressess are active dis moment.'
it is d biggest truth of hacking dt a person can be hacked only in d case wen he is online[brut force attack->exeption]
nw u ppl find dt he is online.
IT is d most beautiful tool 4 windows 4 scanning purpose.plz dont mind its small size.it is d perfect tool conatining more than 20 type applications.
we will be learning all of dem.
b4 of learning n map plz be cool.
u must know many things b4 using it .let's learn de.
sorry,1 thing i forgot 2 write,der is nothing in d scanning arena vch it cann't do.it is d most lovely scanning tool of all d good hackers.
X MAS TREE->d attacker checks 4 tcp services by sending "X mas-tree"packets.these r only name .take these easy.
SYN STEALTh->IT IS half open scanning.
WINDOW SCAN->IT can detect open ports.
-------------> SCANNING WAYS OF NAMP FINIShED 4 NW<-------------------
----------->TCP COMMUNICATION FLAGS<------------------
SYNChRONIZE->>;known as syn,it is used 2 initiate a connection b/w hosts
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT-->also called ack.it is used in establishing a connetion b/w hosts.
FINISh-->kNOWN AS fin,it says 2 remore connetion 2 do no more transmission.
RESET--->known as rst,it is used 2 reset a connection.
--------->CONCEPT OF 3 WAY hANDShAKE<---------------------
suppose dt JhON IS chatting vd his girlfreind selina,then this communication vl folow this methode..
john--->[sends syn named packet 2 selina]
selina--->[sends syn-acn named pack 2 john]
john----->[sends ack named packet 2 selina]
nd nw d communication b/w dem is established.
this is 3way handshake.
hacking thru dis concept vl come after of some time.dis moment memorize dis concept.
OPEN namp software nd install,while installing it vl say dt winpcan is missing nd it vl show error ,ignore dt nd install it ,after of installing go in
C>>programfiles>>n map>winpcap
open winpcan,here u vl see 2 .exe files,install any1 of dem.
nw ur n map is fully installed.
------------>USING N MAP<-------------
first of all get any alive ip address 4m angry ip scanner,nw put it in n map search box nd search 4.
u can scn 4 many things .mind it n map provides u all type of scanning,keep checking different boxes nd scan 4 every1.
freinds nw hack is going 2 be,u ppl r going 2 hack many computer after of just 5 minutes ..first of all i vl give here a practical item then whole concept .
be prepared 2 do ur first hack in 2 oder's computer .
------->HACKING IN 2 A COMPUTER<------------
it is very easy.
frist of all search 4 any ip range,
get d alive ip list.
go on any alive ip address.
right click der
open computer>in explorer
in present era,in india most of d airtel users [nd other internet service users also ]does nt fix a password 4 conneting derself 2 d internet .de leave it blank nd here due 2 der dis mistake u can hack in 2 der computer.
if after of
open computer>inexplorer
it asks 4 password then give password
vdout quotes
nd see,if u get entry in his computer,it is nt necessary 2 enter in all d computers,bt by dis technique u can enter in some of d computers.
all dis tute is based on angry ip scanner.no use of n map.
----->HACKING IN A COMPUTER[ADVANCED]<--------------------
WELL d technique is same as d previous 1 .
only der r few chnages.
suppose dt u want 2 hack a specified p.c.
then get dt person ip address
nw scan in n map 4 dt ip address nd look 4 open ports.
if port no. 80 nd 21 r open
get dis ip adress in angry ip scanner nd try 2 enter in his computer using default password
apart of it in angry ip scanner wen u right click u
see der
open computer
nd many options i.e.telnet,ftp,http
try 2 connect vd every1 of dem.
if ur luck is vd u then u can enter in his computer.
scaning is finished 4 nw.
u enterd in a person's computer ,this thing is also a part of enumeration.
nw i vl start
d topic.
scanning finished 4 nw.
----------->SUMMARY OF D ChAPTER<-----------------
[1]use angry ip scanner 2 scan various ip range
[2]use n map 2 do all type of scanning.
[3]scanning is done 2 find information about open ports,running operating system on system nd many othre things
[4]we can enter in oder person computer using angry ip scanner.
link download angry ip scanner ,n map nd some odr scanners
----------------------->SCANING FINIShED<----------------------




first of all download dis ...
it conatain
angry ip scanner,n map nd some more scanning tools.
it is d final stage of information gathering of an attacker.
in scanning a hacker/attacker looks for these stuffs.
specifc ip address
operating system
service running on d system.
u or any1 can skip footprinting bt not scanning.
in scanning we look 4 d open ports nd we look 4 d vulnerabilities existing in our target.
before of writing about scanning i would like 2 clear u d concept of ping.
knowing d actual meaning of ping is very much essential 4 doing scanning.
PING---->PING, i m nt telling u ping's actual definition ,i m just giving u d idea of ping
open run ,type cmd ,hit enter nd nw type ping nd hit enter.
nw u vl see der many things just read dhem,well nw moov 2 ping again.
suppose dt we r pinging 2 any website then it means we r sending some data 2 dt website.
suppose dt u want 2 check ,ur freind is online or nt?
then simpally ping his ip address.i mean suppose dt if his ip address is then
open command prompt[command prompat=run->cmd>enter]
nd type
if nw u vl see dt 4 data packets has been sent 2 ur freind ,nw u vl see der written loss.
actually if ur freind is online then he gets ur ping nd if he is nt then u vl see der 100% loss.
in short ping is sending data 2 a specific address nd it can be done 2 check wether dt person/website is conneted 2 internet or not.
hoping u ppl hv got d idea of ping .nw proceed 2 scanning.
nw it's d time 2 be active,quick,sharp nd hardworking.
i am again telling u d objectives of scanning.these r
to detect wether d system is connected 2 internet or nt?
to discover vch ports r active/running?
to discover d operating system running on d target system[known as fingerprinting]
to discover d ip address nd services running on d system.
let's start scanning now.
bcoz nw every1 of u know pinging some1 there4 1 step of scanning u can do urself nd dt is checking a system/person is connected 2 internet or nt?suppose dt u want2 ping google or orkut or ur freind then use dis blue syantax in d command prompt
ping ip adress
ping google.com
nw ,in modern era der r thousands of tools available 4 scanning,der r thousands of softwares bt we will be using only 2 tools,one is angry ip scanner nd d second 1 is n map.
these 2 tools r enough 4 ur purpose,wen we will learn sniffing we will use some wifi scanners nd lan scanners bt here in dis topic we will learn using they 2.
ANGRY IP SCANNER--->an ip scanner 4 windows,it can scan alive ips in a range ,a very beautiful nd good tool 4 scanning.actually dis software do nothing
but pings all d ip addresses nd gives u information.
all u hv 2 do is 2 specify a ip range vch u vant 2 scan for.
suppose dt up ip address is
then it is sure dt d connections vchr nearer 2 ur home ,they r having d ip address assigned vd to[plz look d last digits of ip address]
nw 4 knowing vch 1 of these ip address r live nd working,all u hv 2 do is 2 just scan d range,
dis software can scan any range.
using ip scanner is very easy.
simpally give d range u want 2 search 4 nd search
d addresses where u can see d green light.right click der nd watch details.after of right click u can see many more things ...have a look at all of dem.
hping2,firewalk opuput
these r also some tools 4 scanning purpose bt 4get them
der r many other tools also like superscan,ipscanner,megaping,floppyscan.
well,floppyscan is d best scanning tool but it is 4 linux.it finds open ports .
freinds nw d other purpose of scanning is also 2 get vch operating system has been loaded on ur target machine,see,each operating system has its own unique vulnerabilities der4 knowing dt vch ohperating system is ur victime is using,is very necessary.
getting this information is called fingerprinting,
based operating systems u can do fingerprinting
by using N-MAP
N MAP-->it is 4 finding open ports in a system or in ur victim's computer.
it does many type of scanning nd undoughtly it is d most beautiful tool 4 scanning.
nw u ppl hv learnt using angry ip scanner.wen u vl use it u vl see red coloured nd green coloured blinking lights.green clr is alive ip ,alive ip means they ip addressess are active dis moment.'
it is d biggest truth of hacking dt a person can be hacked only in d case wen he is online[brut force attack->exeption]
nw u ppl find dt he is online.
IT is d most beautiful tool 4 windows 4 scanning purpose.plz dont mind its small size.it is d perfect tool conatining more than 20 type applications.
we will be learning all of dem.
b4 of learning n map plz be cool.
u must know many things b4 using it .let's learn de.
sorry,1 thing i forgot 2 write,der is nothing in d scanning arena vch it cann't do.it is d most lovely scanning tool of all d good hackers.
X MAS TREE->d attacker checks 4 tcp services by sending "X mas-tree"packets.these r only name .take these easy.
SYN STEALTh->IT IS half open scanning.
WINDOW SCAN->IT can detect open ports.
-------------> SCANNING WAYS OF NAMP FINIShED 4 NW<-------------------
----------->TCP COMMUNICATION FLAGS<------------------
SYNChRONIZE->>;known as syn,it is used 2 initiate a connection b/w hosts
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT-->also called ack.it is used in establishing a connetion b/w hosts.
FINISh-->kNOWN AS fin,it says 2 remore connetion 2 do no more transmission.
RESET--->known as rst,it is used 2 reset a connection.
--------->CONCEPT OF 3 WAY hANDShAKE<---------------------
suppose dt JhON IS chatting vd his girlfreind selina,then this communication vl folow this methode..
john--->[sends syn named packet 2 selina]
selina--->[sends syn-acn named pack 2 john]
john----->[sends ack named packet 2 selina]
nd nw d communication b/w dem is established.
this is 3way handshake.
hacking thru dis concept vl come after of some time.dis moment memorize dis concept.
OPEN namp software nd install,while installing it vl say dt winpcan is missing nd it vl show error ,ignore dt nd install it ,after of installing go in
C>>programfiles>>n map>winpcap
open winpcan,here u vl see 2 .exe files,install any1 of dem.
nw ur n map is fully installed.
------------>USING N MAP<-------------
first of all get any alive ip address 4m angry ip scanner,nw put it in n map search box nd search 4.
u can scn 4 many things .mind it n map provides u all type of scanning,keep checking different boxes nd scan 4 every1.
freinds nw hack is going 2 be,u ppl r going 2 hack many computer after of just 5 minutes ..first of all i vl give here a practical item then whole concept .
be prepared 2 do ur first hack in 2 oder's computer .
------->HACKING IN 2 A COMPUTER<------------
it is very easy.
frist of all search 4 any ip range,
get d alive ip list.
go on any alive ip address.
right click der
open computer>in explorer
in present era,in india most of d airtel users [nd other internet service users also ]does nt fix a password 4 conneting derself 2 d internet .de leave it blank nd here due 2 der dis mistake u can hack in 2 der computer.
if after of
open computer>inexplorer
it asks 4 password then give password
vdout quotes
nd see,if u get entry in his computer,it is nt necessary 2 enter in all d computers,bt by dis technique u can enter in some of d computers.
all dis tute is based on angry ip scanner.no use of n map.
----->HACKING IN A COMPUTER[ADVANCED]<--------------------
WELL d technique is same as d previous 1 .
only der r few chnages.
suppose dt u want 2 hack a specified p.c.
then get dt person ip address
nw scan in n map 4 dt ip address nd look 4 open ports.
if port no. 80 nd 21 r open
get dis ip adress in angry ip scanner nd try 2 enter in his computer using default password
apart of it in angry ip scanner wen u right click u
see der
open computer
nd many options i.e.telnet,ftp,http
try 2 connect vd every1 of dem.
if ur luck is vd u then u can enter in his computer.
scaning is finished 4 nw.
u enterd in a person's computer ,this thing is also a part of enumeration.
nw i vl start
d topic.
scanning finished 4 nw.
----------->SUMMARY OF D ChAPTER<-----------------
[1]use angry ip scanner 2 scan various ip range
[2]use n map 2 do all type of scanning.
[3]scanning is done 2 find information about open ports,running operating system on system nd many othre things
[4]we can enter in oder person computer using angry ip scanner.
link download angry ip scanner ,n map nd some odr scanners
----------------------->SCANING FINIShED<----------------------





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